Terms of Use

Effective Date: January 1, 2024

Welcome to Akee! Akee refers to the name of the app through which we offer the Akee Service (the “Service”). We invite you to access our website and use the Service, but please note that your invitation is subject to your agreement with these Terms of Use (the “Terms”). These Terms govern your use of Akee, except where we explicitly state that separate terms apply. This document outlines these Terms in detail below, so please review them carefully.

What is the Akee Service?

The Akee software, products, services, and websites hosted or made available by Akee are collectively referred to in these Terms as the Akee Service. In exchange for being able to use the Service, you agree to abide by these Terms.

Will these Terms of Use ever change?

Yes, these Terms may be amended as new features, technologies, or requirements arise, so please check back from time to time. If we make a significant change, we'll notify you and, where required, seek your consent.

If we do update these Terms, you are free to decide whether to accept the amended Terms or to stop using the Service; your continued use of the Service after the effectiveness of that amendment will be deemed to represent your agreement with, and consent to be bound by, the new Terms. These Terms are only described here, and no other communication will constitute an effective agreement for this purpose.

How do I use the Akee Service?

You can access or use the Service through a web browser or by installing client software on your computers, tablets, and phones.

What is the license I have to grant to Akee?

In order to enable Akee to operate the Service, we must obtain from you certain limited license rights to process the text, images, and other data (collectively the "Content") you choose to input, upload, and store in Akee that is covered by intellectual property rights. By using the Service and uploading Content, you are granting Akee a license to display, perform, and distribute your Content and to modify (for technical purposes) and reproduce such Content to enable Akee to operate the Service.

Are there rules about what I can do on the Akee Service?

Yes. Your use of the Service must be in accordance with these Terms. When using the Service, you agree that all information submitted and Content that is uploaded to the Service is factual and/or in keeping with the applicable laws governing your location. You also agree to report immediately if Content or information uploaded to the Service is not factual or incorrect. Additionally, you understand that all Content and/or information uploaded, submitted, transmitted, stored, or displayed is the sole responsibility of the person who created the Content and/or information, or introduced it into the Service.

How does Akee respond to Copyright or other Intellectual Property violations?

We respond to clear and complete notices of alleged infringement of copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws that satisfy the requirements in these Terms. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been violated, please notify us, and your notification will be processed in accordance with our policies and as contemplated by law.

What if I take part in a Beta or feature?

The Service from time to time might offer participation in betas and/or new features to serve our users better. Your participation, however initiated, does not include any royalty, income, or other means of compensation. Though we value your participation, the betas and/or new features offered by the Service may be removed, replaced, and/or modified whether it was successful or not. If it should be replaced or removed, you would be provided with at least a 90 days notice communicated via the Service.